I Wake-up late for work just now! least I came to help...but yah he got angry. My brother was helping me just now...err he's not helping but accompanied me heh..anyway he's there to cheer me up. At least got some people to talk to yah... As days goes by, I notice that my brother do show some careness to me...even more. Caring sibling huh! ANiway Om and mum bring us to Al-Azhar to eAT just now. I was like HuH* cos i've just eaten Nasi Goreng seH..but thinking back, its been long time since all of us eat yah..agree with it.
To cut it short, hilarious moment happened just now..heh. After knowing Om for quite some then I realise he eat aloT! He ordered a lot of food..only for him..haha! Later he ask waiter* for "lunch box"...and that waiter*bring in "light coke"...then when he said it was wrong and ask again for "lunch box", he bring a guy to serve us...we were like the guy deaf or waDD. Maybe that guy name is "YaCcoB"..Haha.
"LuNcH BoX"."LIgHt CoKe"." YaCcOb" Sound the same meh?? haha
Okla going to sleep soon..TiReDD! I wanna make fUll use of my young energy..
People say I look like my mum...Hmmm maybe lar eh..heh

Performace at NLB
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