
Happy Valentine's DAy to my Grandparent!!! It might be late but yah...I don’t care!
I don’t really celebrate V-day, as a Muslim, we are not allowed yah. Let not say about celebrating it but I just make it as a moment for me to realize the love that I have for people that I really care and sacrifice what I have just to make them happy...although some people don't realize that. I am just being sincere for what I do ;). The up’s and downs’ in relationship is tough! Through trust, patient, sacrifices, true love, true cares,...basically a lot of thing that I need to know to build a stable relationship just like them.=) 5o plus years of marriage...congratz!!
[I really hope that I can spend that day with you but I guess I had a great day the next day ;))...Thanks!]
It’s Holiday!!!Its Working Day!!!..Haha!
Well...I am so lethargic this few days. I dont know why. My chest still hurts!! [Yah after being slam into by big giant that day..haha!!] Nevermind about that. My feet still hurts and that explain why I don’t walk fast...hah! I need some vitamins!!...Anyway I ate plenty of oranges this days...Uncle bought two boxes of oranges and left it in his shop and there I goes eating it non-stop when am not to worry about vitamins anymore I guess! haha..
I went to Chong Pang Hawker centre in the evening to buy 10 fillet O fish at Macdonald...the kids just loving it! hah! And You now what! I feel like the Hawker centre is being curfew and it’s like everybody vanished without any reason. All shops closed! Except for MacDonald, 7-11, Cheers and some Malay/Indian stalls!!
…I forgot its Chinese New year the next day!!...waliow azhar! haha! My minds just make me go crazy!
Tomorrow is a brand new year!! the Chinese. hehe. So to my fellow Chinese friends, Happy CHinese NEw YEar!! GoNg Xi Fa CaI!
Couple of hours left before I head to work…no sleep!
In the mean time, I chow dulu lar eh..haha!
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