Hello guys...I guess it's time to update...
It's already 450am...Haiz HAiz haIZ!!!...I've been thinking about my life, my health, my future, my family so much. Fuh! Time is running damn fast yah. It seem to me like it's only yesterday that I just enter poly, but now I'm into year three already. I am super worried about my future Lar... After poly life I don't know where I should head to beside NS! I need a degree to at least end up my school life man! I don't want to end it by just getting a diploma cert only! What a waste of my time Lar. I've been searching for Australia University just to check the tuition fees and stuff. I need $25000 man!! I really can't afford it at this period of time. Headache! By hook or by crook I need to use my own money to get a degree! Arggg...I don't think my parents or even my grandparent can help me on...even if they can...I really don't have the heart to let them pay for me. Fuh! Malaysian University?? Indian University?? Argggg!!! It's not that I don't want to try local University, but it’s just that I can't really make it here... But I've been thinking...SIM? Part-time student for 5-years??...Hah! I don't know Lar...very confusing. In Australia, I don't need to worry about where I should stay because according to him* I've got place to stay...hmmM! If Malaysian University, I don't know whether it's recognizes world wide lar..If it's in India...communication problem!! You know what?! I better stop talking about my future! It's making me go crazy and wild...even while typing! ARRgggGGgggG!
Okay Lar...for the past few days I've been smiling, laughing, crapping! It's been so great and fun to mingle around with family and friends since I'm single...Haha!! Been to mum's place and when to swimming pool!! Ahh that Jacuzzi was super cool!! Mum's neighbors got this super huge dog…damn scary but the dog is so’s exactly like the dog in "lassie the film" Nice right! But unfortunately I can't touch it. Hmmm, beside her house...I've been to SAF Yatch Club! Oh my God! The candle light dinner! The food! The BIg orange PraWns! the crayfish's tail meAT! The limited crabs! Haha! yummy2! Not forgetting his* speed boat modified with his super cool sound system! Power Lar~! And I get the chance to hold the steering wheels and moving aimlessly! Haha! Not that complicated to be the captain hah! Hehe ya right!
Not forgetting my buddies! Zul, Umar and lots more! Danial not in Singapore...will meet him when he come back Lar...To ZuL and Danial, I know I'm wrong cos* I'm moving far from you guys lately. There’s this stupid reason that I've made to cover up my act...Definitely, I miss the fun that we had last time...HAha! The KL trip, the JB trip, the bowling trip. Lots more Lar eh! So, right now I want to prove to you guys that I'm back to the normal me already!! Haha!! Oh yah! Normal me without cigarrete…Oppz! I'll be meeting you guys often I guess...when is JB trip huh? heh!
Enough said already...later I got Silat lei. I haven't sleep yet lei..haiyo! I'm thinking of going jogging with Mai and maybe other silat friends...Mai is fat! haha! Seriously I'm kidding mai! Hehe!
About jogging??? I'll make the decision later cos* right now I need a rest first!! haha!

Hello guys...I guess it's time to update...
It's already 450am...Haiz HAiz haIZ!!!...I've been thinking about my life, my health, my future, my family so much. Fuh! Time is running damn fast yah. It seem to me like it's only yesterday that I just enter poly, but now I'm into year three already. I am super worried about my future Lar... After poly life I don't know where I should head to beside NS! I need a degree to at least end up my school life man! I don't want to end it by just getting a diploma cert only! What a waste of my time Lar. I've been searching for Australia University just to check the tuition fees and stuff. I need $25000 man!! I really can't afford it at this period of time. Headache! By hook or by crook I need to use my own money to get a degree! Arggg...I don't think my parents or even my grandparent can help me on...even if they can...I really don't have the heart to let them pay for me. Fuh! Malaysian University?? Indian University?? Argggg!!! It's not that I don't want to try local University, but it’s just that I can't really make it here... But I've been thinking...SIM? Part-time student for 5-years??...Hah! I don't know Lar...very confusing. In Australia, I don't need to worry about where I should stay because according to him* I've got place to stay...hmmM! If Malaysian University, I don't know whether it's recognizes world wide lar..If it's in India...communication problem!! You know what?! I better stop talking about my future! It's making me go crazy and wild...even while typing! ARRgggGGgggG!
Okay Lar...for the past few days I've been smiling, laughing, crapping! It's been so great and fun to mingle around with family and friends since I'm single...Haha!! Been to mum's place and when to swimming pool!! Ahh that Jacuzzi was super cool!! Mum's neighbors got this super huge dog…damn scary but the dog is so’s exactly like the dog in "lassie the film" Nice right! But unfortunately I can't touch it. Hmmm, beside her house...I've been to SAF Yatch Club! Oh my God! The candle light dinner! The food! The BIg orange PraWns! the crayfish's tail meAT! The limited crabs! Haha! yummy2! Not forgetting his* speed boat modified with his super cool sound system! Power Lar~! And I get the chance to hold the steering wheels and moving aimlessly! Haha! Not that complicated to be the captain hah! Hehe ya right!
Not forgetting my buddies! Zul, Umar and lots more! Danial not in Singapore...will meet him when he come back Lar...To ZuL and Danial, I know I'm wrong cos* I'm moving far from you guys lately. There’s this stupid reason that I've made to cover up my act...Definitely, I miss the fun that we had last time...HAha! The KL trip, the JB trip, the bowling trip. Lots more Lar eh! So, right now I want to prove to you guys that I'm back to the normal me already!! Haha!! Oh yah! Normal me without cigarrete…Oppz! I'll be meeting you guys often I guess...when is JB trip huh? heh!
Enough said already...later I got Silat lei. I haven't sleep yet lei..haiyo! I'm thinking of going jogging with Mai and maybe other silat friends...Mai is fat! haha! Seriously I'm kidding mai! Hehe!
About jogging??? I'll make the decision later cos* right now I need a rest first!! haha!
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