DO YoU knoW ThaT Men Do noT loSe StruGgle in liFe beCause oF hoPE?? A hOpe for something beTter?? a hoPe for Something bEtter fOr tomoRrow?? But SomeTimes Our of Life Is nOt tHat easY...hmmM noThing in life is PerfeCt rigHt??NotHing alWays goEs thE waY we WaNt iT to Go riGht?? SomeTimes We FeeL ThaT lifE iS a RoutiNE and ThinGs are Worse When you fEel you Dont Have The AnsWer anD yoU aRe sTuck in a Hole....SoMetimeS we Do mistakes tHat we Ourself Dont reAlise it...rite?? SoMestimes People may miSslook our teArs aS SaliVa that can be SpIt anywhEre you like...rite??
MaYbe PeOple DonT reaLly unDersTand Who wE reallY are except Ourself Lar hah..;)
PS: Today photography class~ Iam so dissapointed in my photos!! really sad!
I really miss you dad