I am blogging again... So not aZa...Its goin to be a long post i guess...I am so bored lar and iam goin to make u guys bored too haha...Thinkin of staying up tonite but dont know wat to do...yeaps oredi finish watchin prison break season 1...emmm season 2??? later can lar eh...aniwae i havnt get it from my fren yet. Ouh yah..reading books the whole nite might be a good idea[tmrw lagi bagus no sch..yeah]...aniwae i need to brush up my islamic knowledge...Talkin abt Islamic knowledge...dammit.. i havent meet up with khairul for quite some time seh...he's really gd lar. Btw he's a fren of mine who can speak few languages u noe!! He can speak and write arab,some tamil,some Java...and other weird2 huh..He's my "teacher" lar basically...i do seek to him for some unsure thoughts abt islam...beside other people lar...Sorry eh khairul, i'll meet you soon bro... Yah!Nana..( almost forget my sister...) There's this book that she gave me...but its too deep for me to understand it. I havent reach tat standard yet lar...(pelan2 kayuh lar aZa...heh) Btw..long time nvr see her... Missing her oredi...haha(fren2 onli hah!) Her fault lar...always wif her Bf onli..forgettin me..cry*chey! muahahaha {suddenly i am being so idiotic at this period of time...its 1am aniwae...} but strange sia..I miss a lots of people suddenly...i miss her, him, dad, mum..waduh.. a lot!!
My heart keeps playing around wif me...It's haRD to be a soft-hearted kind of person...chey!! btw... there's tis blind man wanted to pass a message to everybody..."nowadays singaporean are not helpful...dont have the heart..bla bla bla" tats wat he said to me...hmmm true enuff lar, tat day he was shoutin for help as in leading him to somewhere...but almost everybody ignore him...except me lar. Iam not saying it becos iam proud of myself or wat no3...come on man..its jus tat we need to have some heart for the needy lar..Not everyday we get the opportunity to help others rite...Iam so frustrated tat day sia...ish3( thnks god for makin me who Iam today...i will always appreciate my life to the fullest...) HEy i feel like talking and talking and TOKIng to myself rite now... a lots of thing to say suddenly. Abt my class.. its getting more fun lar...planning to go jb and shiok!! seh!!...[..emm same like my previous class..but this time round more close guy frens den close gal frens..] ...there's this slow eater guy in class(dont wanna mention his name...later this dragon boat fella will wack me wif his paddle sia...hehe joking only ar saddiq..oppz) Abt this fella...the thing was, instead of starting meeting at 10.15, we go in at ard 10.50...'s not like blaming him for us waitin for him to finish food and end getting Bs instead of As...no2 i jus find its some kind of cool way of eating..yeah...I'm sure his digestion system will run very smoothly...hehe[ i Respect him sia..He always finish up his food and can get irritated if one of us cant finish our food] Btw the cafe cheese burger is soo huge mann!...eatin jus a burger in the mornin will make me full the whole day siaa...but i'll strt craving for food in the middle of the nite ar...heh.. Ouh yah..talkin abt food, there's other thing to mention...cigarette!!! Yesh..smoking!!! Hmmm...i dont noe how black my lungs will be rite now...Lately, i've been coughing like hell...cant really explain lar..but my chest damm pain sia...ish3.. emmm thinking abt quiting...( yah rite..aZA-a smoker..quiting!!! muahahaha yayaya) ...people jus want me to die soon lar...{ iam talking rubbish again} hmmm but if i were to leave tis world todae...i think somebody might be very cares aniwae. I need love to quit smokin i guess. Okays...cut tat crap*... Alrite2...bored huh?? hehehe... Ouh yah i miss my long hair...i am goin to post my old pics as a way of motivating myself not to cut my hair so short like...arggg!!...
I am blogging again... So not aZa...Its goin to be a long post i guess...I am so bored lar and iam goin to make u guys bored too haha...Thinkin of staying up tonite but dont know wat to do...yeaps oredi finish watchin prison break season 1...emmm season 2??? later can lar eh...aniwae i havnt get it from my fren yet. Ouh yah..reading books the whole nite might be a good idea[tmrw lagi bagus no sch..yeah]...aniwae i need to brush up my islamic knowledge...Talkin abt Islamic knowledge...dammit.. i havent meet up with khairul for quite some time seh...he's really gd lar. Btw he's a fren of mine who can speak few languages u noe!! He can speak and write arab,some tamil,some Java...and other weird2 huh..He's my "teacher" lar basically...i do seek to him for some unsure thoughts abt islam...beside other people lar...Sorry eh khairul, i'll meet you soon bro... Yah!Nana..( almost forget my sister...) There's this book that she gave me...but its too deep for me to understand it. I havent reach tat standard yet lar...(pelan2 kayuh lar aZa...heh) Btw..long time nvr see her... Missing her oredi...haha(fren2 onli hah!) Her fault lar...always wif her Bf onli..forgettin me..cry*chey! muahahaha {suddenly i am being so idiotic at this period of time...its 1am aniwae...} but strange sia..I miss a lots of people suddenly...i miss her, him, dad, mum..waduh.. a lot!!
My heart keeps playing around wif me...It's haRD to be a soft-hearted kind of person...chey!! btw... there's tis blind man wanted to pass a message to everybody..."nowadays singaporean are not helpful...dont have the heart..bla bla bla" tats wat he said to me...hmmm true enuff lar, tat day he was shoutin for help as in leading him to somewhere...but almost everybody ignore him...except me lar. Iam not saying it becos iam proud of myself or wat no3...come on man..its jus tat we need to have some heart for the needy lar..Not everyday we get the opportunity to help others rite...Iam so frustrated tat day sia...ish3( thnks god for makin me who Iam today...i will always appreciate my life to the fullest...) HEy i feel like talking and talking and TOKIng to myself rite now... a lots of thing to say suddenly. Abt my class.. its getting more fun lar...planning to go jb and shiok!! seh!!...[..emm same like my previous class..but this time round more close guy frens den close gal frens..] ...there's this slow eater guy in class(dont wanna mention his name...later this dragon boat fella will wack me wif his paddle sia...hehe joking only ar saddiq..oppz) Abt this fella...the thing was, instead of starting meeting at 10.15, we go in at ard 10.50...'s not like blaming him for us waitin for him to finish food and end getting Bs instead of As...no2 i jus find its some kind of cool way of eating..yeah...I'm sure his digestion system will run very smoothly...hehe[ i Respect him sia..He always finish up his food and can get irritated if one of us cant finish our food] Btw the cafe cheese burger is soo huge mann!...eatin jus a burger in the mornin will make me full the whole day siaa...but i'll strt craving for food in the middle of the nite ar...heh.. Ouh yah..talkin abt food, there's other thing to mention...cigarette!!! Yesh..smoking!!! Hmmm...i dont noe how black my lungs will be rite now...Lately, i've been coughing like hell...cant really explain lar..but my chest damm pain sia...ish3.. emmm thinking abt quiting...( yah rite..aZA-a smoker..quiting!!! muahahaha yayaya) ...people jus want me to die soon lar...{ iam talking rubbish again} hmmm but if i were to leave tis world todae...i think somebody might be very cares aniwae. I need love to quit smokin i guess. Okays...cut tat crap*... Alrite2...bored huh?? hehehe... Ouh yah i miss my long hair...i am goin to post my old pics as a way of motivating myself not to cut my hair so short like...arggg!!...

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