Punten!! ("Sundanese polite way of saying "may I pass You")
"Mangga" ( Is the polite of replying " You are welcome or you may have the way")
It's 1am rite now and I don't feel like sleeping again. MAybe I'll spend the whole nite doing some research or reading. Alrite...yah MAlini...abt my new class. Aniwae u guys seem to miss me so much huh? heh..i miss you people too man!! Such a caring classmate i ever had...Being there for me at all time...hehe. For you guys to know, i've been attndin only 2 classes till now( been workin my ass out this few days jus to get my daily allowance..preparation for hari raya and those bills..Fuh!) and btw i've an Indonesian classmate! and it's a SHE!! what's that suppose to mean?!...You noe i noe lar eh.. nah nothin actualli...but a lots of potential darlings wannabe in my class...(dont be jealous...muahahaha) Alrite, stop it aza!
Well, this time round more guys then gals in ma class..and yah Suhaila is in my class( been laughin and laughin wif her that day) DOnt be jealous Eddy..ha ha. The class is gettin more fun wif all those jokers. Btw this is my remark for my second day in the class only...dont noe wat will happen later on. Talkin abt darlings, I've not meet a true darling yet...( are you far away from me???...are you in Indonesia..muahahaha) marCH!! Whatever it is, Iam sure My gal will be standing at a highest building u guys can ever imagine(she's the gal tat always care abt people b4 her, always think abt god and always prepares herself afterlife)...and for me to reach there..a lots of preparations, sacrifices and obtacles i need to face...hmmm and i will do it jus for you and god. Meet you there my deaR!! emm in Indonesia!! muahaha who noes eh...
Actually i've got lot to say but i'll just keep it to myself for now..Only God knoes. Tats it for now. BYe..
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