Yuck!! tats drawing sucks!! Jiwang or wat!!
hmmm, i've changed my skin again...my old skin. Its been a long time i nvr update my blog the proper way...I'm updatin' my other blog actually oppz...Hmmm yah this raya season...at home all this while..didnt manage to go out yet...yah becos of my grandad and grandmom staying at my place..soo people jus come to my house without me going to theirs...hehe. For my grandmum, out of 6 siblings, only left 2 alive...my granny and her sista...So jus imagine the children of diff sibling jam my house..wohooo..and the best thing is, people give me money seh!!!...Haha...I dont need it actually...but they force me to take it..heh.....(klau nak kasi lebih kan sikit ar..) [if u wanna give me..jus give me more lar]..heh
JUst teasing them jer...heh.
Ouh yah..haven meet up wif my old fren for raye yet...I mean old old old frens of mine...hmmm primary sch mates...i will see u guys soon maybe... secondary sch mates?? maybe...
HMMM...moNey MoneY mOney...!! Waduh!....I'm just crave for money at the moment...But..iam so laZy laZy laZy...to WOrk...and very sleepY sLeepy slEepy to wake-up...and yah faci is doin 6p now..hehe..
update a better blog soon...yer..
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