I just realise that i did somethin'
really bad and it cos'
misery to others...
I feel that..
Being kind is not appreciated...
Being caring is not appreciated...
Being lovin' is not appreciated...
IF FACT...and perhaps
I'm being burried alive
while being stabbed
while being hanged
while being kicked
even so i don't need appreciation
It's sincere from my heart..truely
even so i've move on and
even so i'll keep on committing this crime of
being kind
being caring and
being loving for ALL mankind
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
...please be kind caring and loving to
ur frens
ur family
ur love ones and
...please stop hating one another
...disliking one another
...blaming one another
...killing one another
...mad at one another
please encourage peace upon you
pleace encourage peace upon everybody
...even the one
that hurt you..
i'm sorry and please smile always..
Am I wrong to love and cares for someone that don't even bother about me at all? am I?!am I?! Deep deep in me, I just don't wanna kill my sense of love and cares i have for them...eventhough people seem to say that "love them only when they love you"
ya Allah..SesungguhNya Engkaulah Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang..ya Allah...
Nabi s.a.w. telah bersabda:
"Janganlah kamu bermusuh-musuhan, jangan benci-membenci, jangan dengki-mendengki, jangan berputus hubungan antara satu dengan yang lain dan jadilah kamu sekalian sebagai hamba-hamba Allah yang bersaudara-mara."
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